So, here I am! I have no intend to lose many words on why I finally got myself into blogging or who the hell I am (most of you know me anyway, I guess). I thought it would be much more interesting to focus an what I'm actually going to do here. So far I got myself into Warhammer 40k, Battlefleet Gothic and Dystopian Wars. The biggest project of all are my beloved Salamander Space Marines. I started them during 3rd edition at very young age (around 14). According to this age my miniatures looked ... hm hard to tell ... really crappy. Ha! So I sold them to start from the beginning.
I am going to show you mostly Salamanders stuff here. First of all will be the creation of the 3rd Battle Company. Right from the beginning, step by step.
I am starting with something extraordinary. As GW has decided to fill
the Salamanders not up with their love, decals really really suck and
I'm not that good at freehands, I decided to create my very own shoulder
pads! At the moment I am working with some 3D-modelling software to
accomplish that aim. When the models are done, they'll be printed by Shapeways (yes, it actually
is called "printing"). Using Google SketchUp 8 and 3ds Max 2012 I designed
a plain shoulder pad that matches pretty much the original. Next step is to model the chapter symbol.