
15 February 2014

Next up: Infinity conversions!

I hate some of the old Infinity weapons (Nomad HMG for example), and so I decided to replace them with the newly designed weapons from the recent Reverend Moiras Box. However, I also hate too much divergency within the appearance of my models, so I convinced myself to replace every single old heroic scale weapon with the new true scale weapons. It will be a lot of work, but I know it will be worth it!

Combi Rifles: from top to bottom: Moderator, Riot Grrl, Hellcat
I actually like the design of the old Combi Rifle a lot, but they are just too big. Sadly CB overdid the shrinking of the old design. Those tiny weapons look just silly on the Riot Grrls and Vortex. The new design however is just perfect! It looks cool and is perfectly sized.

12 February 2014

Necron Tombship WIP

Every now and then, whem I have some time to spare, I am working a little bit on my Battlefleet Gothic Necron fleet (which pretty much doesn't exist at the moment ;) ). I really like the models, but since they are out of production and I missed the chance to grab some of them, 3d modelling is a neat way to get my hands on them after all!

Infinity Base Drop-On's

A while ago I designed two base drop-on's for my upcomming Nomads. I tryed to match the look of the studio models of Cassandra Kusanagi & Brand do Castro, because I really like what Ángel Giráldez did with their bases. I want that to become the base scheme for my entire Nomads!

7 February 2014

Master Necrotech Mortenebra

Hello everybody,

I decided to do a quick update, as I've not been posting any news for about a year now... It's not that I have been idle the whole year, but rather didn't do anything major worthy of posting. I will try to focus on my WIP stuff and do more regular updates than before.

So, Morty. I did nothing special with her. As you can see I just added some hoses to her back and I really like how they add to the model (like in her artwork). The hoses are made from GreenStuff and contain an 0.5mm thick brazen wire to ensure they stay where I want them to be. I created them using a fancy new tool of mine - the Tube-Tool from Masq-Mini.